
Welcome and have a look at my work for Distant Stitch - Creative Sketchbooks, Module 6, with tutor Lizzy Lewis

In this module I will make a free-standing book on a theme chosen by me - Close to my heart.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015

Module 4, Chapter 2: Drawing Tone

In this chapter I worked from B&W photographs, with occasional reference to the colour photographs to look at details.



09 Pumps 01 Pumps

I rubbed the whole sheet  with graphite  and created the highlights with a rubber. The shades were done with a B6 pencil and graphite stick.
05 Gingko 02 Gingko


The tones were drawn with a B6, the veins in the leaves with an H2 pencil.
03 Wanderschuhe 03 Wanderschuhe

I was curious about how I could do tonal drawing on this  small scale.

The best thing to do, it seemed, was to block in the negative shapes (done with 8B pencil) and let them push the shoes into the foreground.

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