
Welcome and have a look at my work for Distant Stitch - Creative Sketchbooks, Module 6, with tutor Lizzy Lewis

In this module I will make a free-standing book on a theme chosen by me - Close to my heart.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015

Module 4, Chapter 1: Observational drawing

My first idea was to draw my walking boots for their shape and details, and somehow the idea stuck. Then a fairy tale with shoes came to mind, and I think I have found my story (if nothing else turns up).

All drawings were done with pencil 3B on various cartridge papers, 180 and 220 g/square meter. Sizes vary,  I wrote them on the sheets (in centimeters).



SANY6403 01 Wanderschuhe


Drawing the shoelaces took a long time. The grid was very helpful for not getting mixed up.

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I wanted to have a try at a small scale. I found it helpful for simplifying the messy background.

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A big THANK YOU to my dear colleague Andrea for lending me these fabulous shoes! (And she looks gorgeous wearing them, too!)


Second drawing on a small scale.
Zweig 1 05 Gingko
I gathered these beautiful golden (not orange!) gingko leaves on the left and combined their shapes in an arrangement found  on the web. I like this image for the lovely negative shapes.

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Getting better with the shoelaces. I mirrored the photograph with the book in mind , the direction of reading from left to right.
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The photograph is unfocused, but with the clear shape of the shoes I could still use it.


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I love these elegant shapes. 29,5 x 17,5 cm


I found it easier to draw the lines from colour photographs, as I could see the details better. Perhaps the backgrounds play a part in this, too.

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