
Welcome and have a look at my work for Distant Stitch - Creative Sketchbooks, Module 6, with tutor Lizzy Lewis

In this module I will make a free-standing book on a theme chosen by me - Close to my heart.

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2016

Chaper 2: Hands and eyes


The drawings were done in my sketchbook (A5) on various sorts of lightweight sketching paper.

5.2.1 Drawing in an outline of the hand

Hand_1 B3 pencil

5.2.2 Hand drawings
3B pencil. 
I looked at my hand through a sheet of transparent plastic with aid lines to get the initial points in the right place. The horizontal and vertical lines are still visible.
Details drawn with pencil on an old letter coated with gesso.
A sketch after a da Vinci painting and my own hand (difficult position for the hand).

Also with 3B pencil
Hand_5 Drawing on gessoed letter with a B pencil

Design with hand shape

I made a template from the first sketch.

Hand design 01
17x22,5 cm

Overlapping outlines, painted with watercolours on a leftover piece of map goated with gesso. The lines of the map are still shining through.
Hand drawing bw A4
Hand shapes, one of them filled in with ornaments, done with permanent ink and calligraphy pen on 160g cartridge paper.

The ornaments seem to indicate the wrinkles and lines on my hand.
Hand design 03 The above drawing painted with watercolours.
Two hands bw Nine hands
Scan of the ornament hand shape,
moved around on the computer with Paint.
Nine hands 01 Nine hands 02
Nine hands 03 Variations done with Picasa
Hand design 02 A cutout print of the ornamented hand and a cutout from a monoprint with a Gelli plate, glued on decorated papers from a former module.



5.2.3 Collection of portraits with eyes as a powerful feature

I found a lot of portraits in my art books and made scans, here are some of them. The range of expressions conveyed by the eyes is amazing!

da Vinci_Portrait_Ginevra_Benchi Leonardo da Vinci: Portrait of Ginevra Benchi
Lucian_Freud_3 Girl in a dark jacket
by Lucian Freud, 1947
Self-portrait in uniform (detail)
by Egon Schiele, 1916

Michelangelo_Sistine_Chapel_1 Detail in the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo

All the figures in this painting seem to be awed, afraid or overwhelmed.
Giovanni_Giacometti_Annetta_1 Annetta
Giovanni Giacometti, 1908/10
IMAG0041 Portrait Dora Maar, sitting in a chair (detail)
Picasso, 1938

I like the way the right eye is looking back at the left.


5.2.4 Drawing my own eyes

My friend Ilona took a couple of portrait photographs (thanks, Ilona!), which I used for drawing. It is a bit stressful for my eyes to draw looking into a mirror. The drawings are mostly done in my sketchbook (A5). 

Eyes_1_Pencil The first sketch with a B pencil, always good for exploring.

After the shock of seeing exactly all these wrinkles I was intrigued by the half-moon shadows at the top of the irises.
Eyes_2_ballpoint pen Ballpoint pen

I was so focussed on the medium – no corrections possible - that I neglected the correct position of the eyes. Looks like a lemur.

Eyes_3_Conte carre
Staring in the mirror with my glasses on. Conte Carré stick invites a more spontaneous line.  Also I cannot see so many details this way.
Eyes_4_Pencil 8B pencil, drawn from another photograph. Would you believe I am grinning? The nose is not right.
Eyes_5_Sketching pen Eyes_6_Sketching pen wash
The same photograph drawn with a sketching pen and water soluble ink on 190g very smooth cartridge paper, A5. Water brushed on and dabbed away for lighter and deeper shades. I like the result, it is less exact and more vivid.

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2016

Chapter 1: Making a folder or pocket book

What a great way to use collections of maps and memorabilia!

It is great fun, and I am looking forward to making more folders and variations as I get on with the Module. (I hope I have understood the brief correctly.)

Zigzag folders
The first zigzag folder
Leporello_Folder_01 20x25 cm

My first folder is for sketches and paintings inspired by my walks.
Leporello_Folder_03 Leporello_Folder_05
For the folder pages I used an old Ordnance Survey map. The creases are machine-stitched to add stability and emphasize the creases. I cut the map in two pieces and connected the folded pages with machine stitching.

The second zigzag folder

Leporello_Folder_12 32x32 cm

For this really big folder I used two pieces of strong cardboard.

I have not yet put anything in the folder. The pages are free for decoration – or for glueing on smaller pockets?
The two parts of the folder are glued on a piece of bookbinder’s lining.
 Origami folder
I love this way of using old papers! But you need really big sheets to make pockets of any size.
First origami folder
Origami_Folder_01 20x27 cm

This folder is for material connected to maps (an ongoing  obsession).  
Some pages were folded with sheets from an outdoor magazine, glued together for bigger size.
I made smaller pockets from Kraft paper and magazine pages for feathers and other small items.
Second origami folder

Origami_Folder_07 Size A4
I made this folder as a birthday present for my friend who loves to collect brochures, tickets and more on strolls, exhibitions and travels.

The cover is decorated with a stitched piece of silk stretched over an old book cover. The upper and lower edges are glued with pieces of blue cotton which also forms the spine. 
Origami_Folder_09 The pages are made from a weekly my friend likes to read. (And it has big sheets.) I tried to fold the pages so that the illustrations show up.
Origami_Folder_11 Origami_Folder_13
Origami_Folder_16 I stitched the pages by hand to the cotton spine with thick silk thread.

My friend was very pleased!

Envelope folder

 My first envelope folder contains drawings and material from the  last module. It is made from used A4 envelopes which my colleagues have collected for me.

Back side

 I glued the envelopes with PVA glue. The double sided sticking tape is not strong enough to keep the envelopes together when used.

My second envelope folder contains more A4 envelopes. It is for work in this module, and I have not made a cover yet.