In this chapter I worked from B&W photographs, with occasional reference to the colour photographs to look at details.
In this chapter I worked from B&W photographs, with occasional reference to the colour photographs to look at details.
My first idea was to draw my walking boots for their shape and details, and somehow the idea stuck. Then a fairy tale with shoes came to mind, and I think I have found my story (if nothing else turns up).
All drawings were done with pencil 3B on various cartridge papers, 180 and 220 g/square meter. Sizes vary, I wrote them on the sheets (in centimeters).
I found it easier to draw the lines from colour photographs, as I could see the details better. Perhaps the backgrounds play a part in this, too.
Some photographs on the previous blog are rather small. So here are bigger files, hopefully better to look at.
Making of:
The cover | |
The book on an A4 sheet to see the size. |
The book:
Overleaf front | |
Abbeycwmhir | |
Overleaf back | |
Finally I have to apologize that I forgot to add clear explanatory notes to my sketchbook images. I promise to do better next time.
Although it might have been not the best choice from the design point of view I very much wanted my book to be about my walk in Wales last summer. I had collected a wide range of photographs and done little sketches on the way, and the memory of the mood is still quite vivid. While I worked on the book I was often very much in doubt if my choice was appropriate to the assignment, but I decided to go on with it and take my chances.
Something is wrong with my scanner which I have not fixed yet, so the images are all photographs. I hope the quality is ok.
3.10.1. Book-making
I felt I needed sturdy paper to add the extensions, so a firm cover seemed to be appropriate.
3.10.2 Gathering design sources
As I had special “scenes” in mind I made collages in Picasa as “mood boards” for these chapters. I also used sketches I had made during my walk.
For most of the pages I had an idea for the layout beforehand. Very often the ideas changed during work, some I could realize pretty much as planned. I more or less went along from page to page. Often I worked in different sketchbooks just to get going or to try an idea or a colour or whatever. As you can see in the following photographs it is rather a jumble.
As you can see I also tried to copy details of Hundertwasser paintings, found in a library book. I wanted to see “how it works”, and if I could find a way to use it. Same with David Hockney’s paintings, which I found on the internet. I found it difficult to make a connection with what I had already in mind, and decided not to force it, although David Hockney’s use of lines to follow the form of the landscape comes in a little on the last pages of my book.
The book
The pages are in a chronological order, following the course of my walk, again a decision depending on the narrative rather than on design concepts.
Measurements of the book: 16 x 10,5 x 3,5 cm
Estimated cost: around 3 Euro
The most expensive single item is half a bottle of frisket. All else was taken from my stock in small quantities.
Time: Around 28 hours, including design. The designing process was very much connected with the work in the book itself.
Health and safety considerations: Take care when using the cutting knife.
The book fulfils my expectations, and as a celebration of my walk I feel it is a successful piece. It is a beautiful object and good to open and browse. The choice of a firm cover was a good one. Some pages have surprised me, which is always a good sign. It was a good experience to develop the pages as I went along. It gave me confidence to go and make a start and work with what emerges. Although I had many doubts about my choice of subject I am satisfied that I saw it through.
If I had to do this assignment again I would chose more specific visual features, rather than the narrative point of view. If I had done that here, there would be more emphasis on line. Also I would calculate the number of pages to be worked more carefully. This turned out to be a lot more work than I had planned, and without the free time over Christmas and New Year I would still be at it.
However, this is my work for Chapter 10 in Module 3. I am looking forward to the next Module!