
Welcome and have a look at my work for Distant Stitch - Creative Sketchbooks, Module 6, with tutor Lizzy Lewis

In this module I will make a free-standing book on a theme chosen by me - Close to my heart.

Freitag, 24. November 2017

Chapter 1: Choosing my theme

Activity 6.1.1 Choose your theme
Looking around – Thoughts and notes on possible themes
P 1 Sketchbook page
                       P 2 Sketchbook page    
I made notes in my sketchbook on themes which came to my mind. One idea was the way to my work, which passes through a beautiful part of Bonn with old houses, gardens and trees. Another idea was our small train station – a variety of plants along the platform, an old building, station mechanics, interesting rubbish. Writing about my ideas made me realize that I wanted to work with something from my everyday surroundings, something which is normally unnoticed. My way to work offers a lot of possibilities, but drawing and gathering material would take up a lot of time. The train station is better in srping, when the flowers are out.
So my choice is: my neighbours’ garden shed behind the house I live in. 
I noted what came to my mind about the garden shed, colours, materials, visual ideas, papers to use and so on.

P 3 Sketchbook page
E9 is written on the door of the shed. I wonder why!

Welcome to the garden shed!
Two drawings I did some years ago:
P 5 Garden shed oil pastel P 6 Garden shed tap
P 5: Drawn with oil pastels and ink on Kraft paper, A4
At this time there was still an elderberry growing behind the shed. It has been felled meanwhile.

P 6: Pencil drawing in a sketchbook on cartridge paper, size approx. A 5
An tap in the form of a rooster. My neighbour bought this in Italy as a gift for her husband. She has a wonderful eye for quirky things like this. The garden hose is attached to it.
The next step: a photo session. It is lovely to  be able just to step out of the back door and start.
P 7P 8
P 9P 10
Colours are greys and browns, ochre, russet, off-white – a range of muted earth colours with occasional splashes of vivid primary colours.

I look forward to drawing this old bathtub in the shadow.

P 11P 12
P 13P 14
P 15P 17
P 16P 19
P 20P 21
I remember our bath stove when I was a child. It was fired every Saturday for hot water for the whole family of seven.

P 21: Interesting fastenings
P 23P 24
P 27P 28
P 27: The birds in the garden are mostly blue tits, coal tits, redstarts and blackbirds.
P 29I wonder who has made this round element in the mesh of the rabbit cage, and why. Perhaps my neighbour knows, I have to ask.
P 33P 35
P 40P 41
P 38P 39
P 42P 38, 39, 42: Blackberries, ivy, wild garlic, nettles and roses grow around the shed and into it.

P 44: An old slate tile, typical for our area.
P 44

Revising the photos I see that there is a lot to find out about this garden shed and its story. Apart from the visual features I really have to interview my neighbour about the things stacked there. Very exciting!

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