
Welcome and have a look at my work for Distant Stitch - Creative Sketchbooks, Module 6, with tutor Lizzy Lewis

In this module I will make a free-standing book on a theme chosen by me - Close to my heart.

Freitag, 9. September 2016

Chapter 4: My own face


5.4.1 Touch drawing

These drawings were done on A4 light sketching paper (100 g) with charcoal. After looking at the first one (and having a big laugh!) I made the drawings one after the other to see what changes might occur. 

Touch drawing 1 At first I found it  difficult to match the speed of the drawing hand and the touching finger. So the line goes off somewhere … Interesting shape though.
Touch drawing 2 The second attempt at least resembles a head.
Touch drawing 3 Here I changed the hands, touching with the right hand and drawing with the left. I thought this might  break the habit and help me to be more attentive.  I am approaching the middle.
Touch drawing 4 Again a drawing with the left hand, and without my glasses on. I seem to get a feeling for the space of the paper.
Touch drawing 5 This was done with the right hand again. It seems to have learned something from the left.

This was great fun! I might try this with other objects.


5.4.2 Continuous line drawing


Continuous line drawing 1 My first attempt: done on A3 cartridge paper with charcoal. I tried to do the feeling with my eyes.  Compared to all the later drawings the proportions are the best here. Perhaps it is good be losened up from the previous touch drawings?
I felt I had to place the head on something, so I included the neck.
Continuous line drawing 2 On the same paper with B6 pencil.
Continuous line drawing 3 On A4 stone paper with a fine ink pen.


5.4.3 Observed self-portrait drawing

Observed self-portrait 1 B6 pencil on A3 cartridge paper. The upper and lower half of my face are not well matched in proportion, although good in themselves. When it came to my wrinkles I got carried away and decided to use the shading method from Module 1, taking out the lightest spots with an eraser. This worked especially well with the grey spots in my hair.

However, I need a line drawing for the next chapter, so here is my second attempt.

Observed self-portrait 2 Although I do have a long face, this is still too narrow. 
B6 pencil again on off-white cartridge paper, A4.

But …
not quite a line drawing yet.


Observed self-portrait 2 line

After a bit of erasing I think I can tackle the next chapter with this drawing.

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