
Welcome and have a look at my work for Distant Stitch - Creative Sketchbooks, Module 6, with tutor Lizzy Lewis

In this module I will make a free-standing book on a theme chosen by me - Close to my heart.

Montag, 28. März 2016

Chapter 10: Postscript


Here is the text of the Christian Morgenstern’s poem as a whole, and, for better understanding, my English translation (which cannot do justice to this lovely humorous piece).

Die weggeworfene Flinte

Palmström findet eines Abends,
als er zwischen hohem Korn
singend schweift,
eine Flinte.

Trauernd bricht er seinen Hymnus
ab und setzt sich in den Mohn,
seinen Fund
zu betrachten.

Innig stellt er den Verzagten,
der ins Korn sie warf, sich vor
und beklagt ihn
von Herzen.

Mohn und Ähren und Zyanen
windet seine Hand derweil
still um Lauf,
Hahn und Kolben …

Und er lehnt den so bekränzten
Stutzen an den Kreuzwegstein,
hoffend zart,
daß der Zage,

noch einmal des Weges kommend,
ihn erblicken möge – und -
(… Seht den Mond
groß im Osten …)


The gun that was thrown away

As Palmström is walking one evening,
singing among high corn,
he finds
a gun.

Grieving, he stops his song
and sits down among the poppies
to look at
what he has found.

He imagines the disheartened person
who threw the gun into the corn field
and deplores him
with all his heart.

Meanwhile, his hand winds
poppies and wheat ears and corn flowers
around the barrel,
the handle and the cock,

and he leans the gun he has thus garlanded
against the stone at the crossroads
tenderly hoping
that the disheartened one

coming this way again
might see it – and -
- look at the moon,
large in the east!

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